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Dev Upswot 7Dev Upswot 7 

How to get ALL objects from REST API sObject Resources

I need to get all items(records) of Products2.
According to the request, it returns an overview of Product2's metadata as well as a list of the most recently used Product2 records :  GET/services/data/v39.0/sobjects/Product2( ).
As I understand list of the most recently used Product2 records doesn't contain all records, so how can I get all records of Product2  or Account or any other object?
I don't think it is possible.

You have to retrieve using Ids.

Check the below link for more information

You can run query to get. Check the below link for example

Magulan Duraipandian
Dev Upswot 7Dev Upswot 7

MagulanDuraipandian, thanks a lot.
But is there an option to get all information of the record without specified fields? Because I don't see such possibility in SOQL SELECT Syntax  (  that is similar to  * (select all) in SQL.
Thank you.
Yes. Select * is not possible with SOQL.
Magulan Duraipandian