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Flow File Upload Component

I have created a flow to create new case records and I'm trying to add the file upload component to attach files. When I run the debug to see if it is working. The screen to upload files is greyed out.  I'm not sure if i have the setup correct. please any help to get this working would be greatly appreciated. 

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Component Setup
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vijay kumar kvijay kumar k
Hi Bob

Please cross check once on flow which type of variables you used for the record id and content document ids.
1.RelatedRelated record id must be in id format, in flows there's no variable type id I guess. Please use varible type as record and place this in upload component. Ex: case is api of variable you can use like { ! case.Id}.

2. Content Document ids must be in list of text format so while creating varible please mark as multiple and data type is text.

I think what I mentioned helps you.
If you face same issue follow the

And reply here what are issues your facing.

Hi Vijay,

Thank you for helping. I have tried a couple changes but I'm still not able to upload files.  I have provided some screeshots to see my setup

Document Var

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Case ID Information
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