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override standard record type selection page with vf page replicate the same and navigate with populated fields

Hi All,
I want to do the following. 

I have a custom object called "Test"  and on clicking "New Test" currently takes me to remixes type selection page where I have few record types displayed on the drop down . Say A,B and C.
on clicking C on navigating to a record creation page I want one lookup field  to populate the logged in user name.

so here's what I was thinking.

1. Override the standard Recordtype selection page with vf page to replicate the standard record type selection page.
2. I have 3 record types on the drop down A,B,C. On selecting A or B must take me to the standard record type pages respectively.
3. On selecting C must also navigate to the standard record type creation page but with auto populate field on a lookup with logged in user name. 

can this be accomplished? Could you please provide me the sample code? It would be really helpful.
