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chandu kari 8chandu kari 8 

hii, i am getting problem,i want to display approval history details in data table using LWC

public with sharing class Approvalhistory {
    public static list<ProcessInstanceHistory> getApprovalData(string recordId)  {
        list<ProcessInstanceHistory>history=new list<ProcessInstanceHistory>();
        for(ProcessInstance processInstance: getAllhistory(recordId).values())  
            for(ProcessInstanceHistory sWI:processInstance.StepsAndWorkitems)  
                system.debug('stepStatus :: '+sWI.StepStatus);
                system.debug('stepName :: '+sWI.Actor.Name);
        return history;
    public static Map<Id,ProcessInstance> getAllhistory(Id recordId)  {  
        return new Map<Id,ProcessInstance>([SELECT Id,Status,SubmittedById, 
                                            (SELECT Id, ProcessNodeId,StepStatus, Comments, TargetObjectId,ActorId,CreatedById,IsDeleted,
                                             IsPending,OriginalActorId,ProcessInstanceId,RemindersSent,CreatedDate, Actor.Name,  
                                             OriginalActor.Name , ProcessNode.Name 
                                             FROM StepsAndWorkitems ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC )
                                            FROM ProcessInstance 
                                            WHERE TargetObjectId =: recordId ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC ]);  

This is my code ,
please help me