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Agnibha Chakrabarti 10
Apex Integration with REST
I am new to integration, After learning about Apex web services and REST Apis ..
i want to know that, what is the use of writing Apex web service methods and exposing my apex class for web service(eg: @HttpGET, @HttpPOST etc..) while i can Get or Create records olny by Using URI from Workbench and set body using JSON?
I am new to integration, After learning about Apex web services and REST Apis ..
i want to know that, what is the use of writing Apex web service methods and exposing my apex class for web service(eg: @HttpGET, @HttpPOST etc..) while i can Get or Create records olny by Using URI from Workbench and set body using JSON?
You are correct about Retriving and Creating of records can be done by standard API's. Using Webservices can build custom API and expose those to the client end.
For example: If you have to send the response to the server end and also wants to update the same record witha a value this can be done in a single API call rather then doing that in 2 standard calls.
Business Example: A call center company does not have a Salesforce user for all the call center employees and uses a .Net build application to perform tasks like retriving data of client and raising the case. To do so they have to use the Webservice Apex clas exposed to the .Net Application and the work will be done.
Best Regards,
Dushyant Srivastava