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Deanne Walters 6Deanne Walters 6 

Lightning Component and Flow not working

I am try to do this ( where a flow will redirect to a newly created record. The only code changes I made where changing all of the references to LeadID to RecID.

When I am debugging it ends as follows:
recId = {!FinalContractId} (80056000000UeBaAAK)
recId (80056000000UeBaAAK)

However when I am actually doing the flow it redirects me back to the start of the flow.

Any advice on what is going on would be appreciated.

It is a Lightning Component and here is my code.

Component Code:
<aura:component implements="lightning:availableForFlowActions" access="global" >
<aura:attribute name="recId" type="String" access="global"/>

Controller Code:
invoke : function(component, event, helper) {
var redirectToNewRecord = $A.get( "e.force:navigateToSObject" );

"recordId": component.get( "v.recId" ),
"slideDevName": "detail"

Design Code:
<design:attribute name="recId" label="Id of the New Record" />
Best Answer chosen by Deanne Walters 6
Deanne Walters 6Deanne Walters 6
The problem was I was triggering it from a button. See here for more details:

All Answers

Deanne Walters 6Deanne Walters 6
The problem was I was triggering it from a button. See here for more details:
This was selected as the best answer
Jimena IglesiasJimena Iglesias
Hace un par de días tuve el mismo problema. Según tu consejo pude cambiar el codo y hacer todo fásilmente. ¡Muchas gracias! He seguido el algoritmo de enlace (