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How to Bulkify the SOQL queries the following trigger
Hello Everyone
I am new to the Apex development, i have Developed a Trigger where a custom field is updated based on the Formula field(Region), i have designed a trigger and its working perfectly, but the thing is i have written 5 seperate SOQL queries, so when i save a record it queries 5 times, How do i bulkify the trigger, so that it should query only once
Any Help will be Appricated
trigger Increment on Lead (before insert,Before Update) {
if(trigger.isBefore && (trigger.isInsert || trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.IsUnDelete)) {
List<Lead> leadList = [Select Id,PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_IN__c From Lead Where PraticeLWC__Region__c = 'India'];
For(Lead l : trigger.New ) {
if(l.PraticeLWC__Region__c == 'India') {
if(leadList.size() > 0){
l.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_IN__c = leadList.size()+0;
} else {
l.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_IN__c = 1;
List<Lead> leadListt = [Select Id,PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_USA__c From Lead Where PraticeLWC__Region__c = 'US'];
For(Lead m : trigger.New) {
if(m.PraticeLWC__Region__c == 'US') {
if(leadListt.size() > 0){
m.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_USA__c = leadListt.size()+0;
} else {
m.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_USA__c = 1;
List<Lead> leadListm = [Select Id,PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_EU__c From Lead Where PraticeLWC__Region__c = 'EU'];
For(Lead n : trigger.New) {
if(n.PraticeLWC__Region__c == 'EU') {
if(leadListm.size() > 0){
n.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_EU__c = leadListm.size()+0;
} else {
n.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_EU__c = 1;
List<Lead> leadListo = [Select Id,PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_SEA__c From Lead Where PraticeLWC__Region__c = 'SEA'];
For(Lead o : trigger.New) {
if(o.PraticeLWC__Region__c == 'SEA') {
if(leadListo.size() > 0){
o.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_SEA__c = leadListo.size()+0;
} else {
o.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_SEA__c = 1;
List<Lead> leadListp = [Select Id,PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_ME__c From Lead Where PraticeLWC__Region__c = 'ME'];
For(Lead p : trigger.New) {
if(p.PraticeLWC__Region__c == 'ME') {
if(leadListp.size() > 0){
p.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_ME__c = leadListp.size()+0;
} else {
p.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_ME__c = 1;
I am new to the Apex development, i have Developed a Trigger where a custom field is updated based on the Formula field(Region), i have designed a trigger and its working perfectly, but the thing is i have written 5 seperate SOQL queries, so when i save a record it queries 5 times, How do i bulkify the trigger, so that it should query only once
Any Help will be Appricated
trigger Increment on Lead (before insert,Before Update) {
if(trigger.isBefore && (trigger.isInsert || trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.IsUnDelete)) {
List<Lead> leadList = [Select Id,PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_IN__c From Lead Where PraticeLWC__Region__c = 'India'];
For(Lead l : trigger.New ) {
if(l.PraticeLWC__Region__c == 'India') {
if(leadList.size() > 0){
l.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_IN__c = leadList.size()+0;
} else {
l.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_IN__c = 1;
List<Lead> leadListt = [Select Id,PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_USA__c From Lead Where PraticeLWC__Region__c = 'US'];
For(Lead m : trigger.New) {
if(m.PraticeLWC__Region__c == 'US') {
if(leadListt.size() > 0){
m.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_USA__c = leadListt.size()+0;
} else {
m.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_USA__c = 1;
List<Lead> leadListm = [Select Id,PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_EU__c From Lead Where PraticeLWC__Region__c = 'EU'];
For(Lead n : trigger.New) {
if(n.PraticeLWC__Region__c == 'EU') {
if(leadListm.size() > 0){
n.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_EU__c = leadListm.size()+0;
} else {
n.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_EU__c = 1;
List<Lead> leadListo = [Select Id,PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_SEA__c From Lead Where PraticeLWC__Region__c = 'SEA'];
For(Lead o : trigger.New) {
if(o.PraticeLWC__Region__c == 'SEA') {
if(leadListo.size() > 0){
o.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_SEA__c = leadListo.size()+0;
} else {
o.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_SEA__c = 1;
List<Lead> leadListp = [Select Id,PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_ME__c From Lead Where PraticeLWC__Region__c = 'ME'];
For(Lead p : trigger.New) {
if(p.PraticeLWC__Region__c == 'ME') {
if(leadListp.size() > 0){
p.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_ME__c = leadListp.size()+0;
} else {
p.PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_ME__c = 1;
I forgot to replace variable here is the updated code
All Answers
Try this code and let me know if this is working or not.
Uttpal Chandra
I am getting Variable does not exist errors,
I forgot to replace variable here is the updated code
sorry for mentioning lately, but PraticeLWC__Region__c is an formula field,
in the 5th line i am getting an error
Instead i have changed to
List<Lead> leadList = [Select Id,PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_IN__c,PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_USA__c,PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_EU__c, PraticeLWC__Region__c,PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_SEA__c,PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_ME__c From Lead WHERE PraticeLWC__Region__c = 'India' OR PraticeLWC__Region__c = 'US' OR PraticeLWC__Region__c = 'EU' OR PraticeLWC__Region__c = 'SEA' OR PraticeLWC__Region__c = 'ME'];
So when i update India, it should increment the value in PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_IN__c field, when the Formula is Updated Germany the Custom Field PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_EU__c
PraticeLWC__Region__c is an formula field
(Country, "United States", "US",
"Canada", "US",
"USA", "US",
"US", "US",
"Brazil", "EU",
"Guyana", "SA",
"Paraguay", "SA",
"Peru", "SA",
"Uruguay", "SA",
"Venezuela", "SA",
"Germany", "EU",
"Deutschland", "EU",
"United Kingdom", "EU",
"France", "EU",
"Italy", "EU",
"Spain", "EU",
"Ukraine", "EU",
"Poland", "EU",
"Romania", "EU",
"Netherlands", "EU",
"Belgium", "EU",
"Greece", "EU",
"Czech Republic", "EU",
"Portugal", "EU",
"Sweden", "EU",
"Hungary", "EU",
"Belarus", "EU",
"Serbia", "EU",
"Austria", "EU",
"Switzerland", "EU",
"Bulgaria", "EU",
"Denmark", "EU",
"Finland", "EU",
"Slovakia", "EU",
"Norway", "EU",
"Ireland", "EU",
"Russia", "EU",
"Albania", "EU",
"Georgia", "EU",
"Latvia", "EU",
"Lithuania", "EU",
"Malta", "EU",
"Croatia", "EU",
"Polska", "EU",
"San Marino", "EU",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina", "EU",
"Sweden", "EU",
"Bahrain", "ME",
"Cyprus", "ME",
"Egypt", "ME",
"Iran", "ME",
"Iraq", "ME",
"Israel", "ME",
"Jordan", "ME",
"Kuwait", "ME",
"Lebanon", "ME",
"Oman", "ME",
"Qatar", "ME",
"Saudi Arabia", "ME",
"Turkey", "ME",
"United Arab Emirates", "ME",
"UAE", "ME",
"Yemen", "ME",
"India", "India",
"Indonesia", "SEA2",
"Malaysia", "SEA2",
"Philippines", "SEA1",
"Singapore", "SEA1",
"Thailand", "SEA1",
"Vietnam", "SEA1",
"Taiwan", "SEA1",
"Hong Kong", "SEA1",
"Cambodia", "SEA1",
"China", "SEA1",
"Japan", "SEA1",
"Australia", "SEA1",
You just need to add colon(:) which i missed. Kindly update query like this
List<Lead> leadList = [Select Id,PraticeLWC__Lead_No_Region_IN__c From Lead Where PraticeLWC__Region__c = :[0].PraticeLWC__Region__c];
Awsome its working!! thanks Uttpal