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Michael MMichael M 

Counter formula

Hello, I have a Contracts object where we keep track of company's contracts data. I want to create a field that keeps track of what number renewal cycle we are in. For example, if the original contracts ends on 2/2/20, so the renewal period begins on 2/3/20, once 2/3/20 hits, I want the "Renewal cycle #" field to automatically change from 0 to 1. Then when the next renewal cycle begins, I want "Renewal cycle #" to automatically change from 1 to 2. I am open to doing this through a formula field or workflow action or Apex-- whatever works. Any help is greatly appreciated. 

Best Answer chosen by Michael M

i think you can create a time based workflow saying 0 days from the contracts ends date

and when the contract end date hit you can update a number field by 1 and update the contracts ends date to next date

All Answers


i think you can create a time based workflow saying 0 days from the contracts ends date

and when the contract end date hit you can update a number field by 1 and update the contracts ends date to next date

This was selected as the best answer
Michael MMichael M
I tried this in Sandbox, with 3 tests. I entered a record with yesterday'date as the End Date, one with today's date, and one with tomorrow's. (I did this yesterday, so today is 'tomorrow', but unfortunately it did not work. The "Renewal cycle #" stayed at 0. What might be the problem? Thank you for your help. 
Michael MMichael M
Nevermind, I had typed it in wrong. It worked- thank you!