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Controller Extension Help Updating A Specific Field

Hi kind folks,

I am building a quoting system.

I have all the spining up of the information and presenting it to the client thats all working.

what im wanting to do is I currently have a button on each quote option 4 in total which the client clicks. This then wants to update the record with that option being selected so i can set up an internal plain text email alert go from a workflow.

So i have 4 fields Option_1_Selected__c, Option_2_Selected__c, ect.

I have each button as a command button called save1,save2, ect.

I need it to update the corresponding checkbox when clicked so i have written this controller extension but i do not know how to update this one field.
public with sharing class UKQuoteExtension {
   UKQuote stdCtrl;
   // extension constructor
   public UKQuoteExtension(UKQuote std)

   public PageReference save1()
      // stdCtrl.getQuoteOffers();
	  // Option_1_Selected__c = TRUE;
      // Update
      PageReference pr = new PageReference('');
      return pr;
   public PageReference save2()
      // stdCtrl.getQuoteOffers();
      // Option_2_Selected__c = TRUE;
      // Update
      PageReference pr = new PageReference('');
      return pr;
   public PageReference save3()
      // stdCtrl.getQuoteOffers();
	  // Option_3_Selected__c = TRUE;
      // Update
      PageReference pr = new PageReference('');
      return pr;
   public PageReference save4()
      // stdCtrl.getQuoteOffers();
	  // Option_4_Selected__c = TRUE;
      // Update
      PageReference pr = new PageReference('');
      return pr;
Im missing something because i need to some how get field from the getQuoteOffers which just returns this record in the controller and then update this field on the record.