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Robert Wambold 10Robert Wambold 10 

Why can't I extract the first character of Account.Name???

Hi All,

Thought this would be easy, but I cannot get past this Error.

User-added image

Thanks in advance.



Best Answer chosen by Robert Wambold 10
Christan G 4Christan G 4
Hi Robert, I hope you are well. I think the reason why you are getting this issue is Name is ambiguous in this situation. You have to specifiy which name you are referring to. Assuming that LstAccts only has one record in the list, replace the line of code you highlighted with the code line below. I believe this will resolve your issue.
String frstLttr = LstAccts[0].Name.substring(0,1);

All Answers

Here the "Name" salesforce field name you cannot use it directly without the reference. so if you need the first character of the name then you use your logic inside the for loop and it will work


for (Account acc : LstAccts) {
      String firstLttr = acc.Name.subString(0,1);
// do your logic

Here extracting the first character from the string may be useful for other developers as well so if you write a generic method that would be good. so that other developers can reference that method to do the same logic.
Christan G 4Christan G 4
Hi Robert, I hope you are well. I think the reason why you are getting this issue is Name is ambiguous in this situation. You have to specifiy which name you are referring to. Assuming that LstAccts only has one record in the list, replace the line of code you highlighted with the code line below. I believe this will resolve your issue.
String frstLttr = LstAccts[0].Name.substring(0,1);
This was selected as the best answer