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Nevin O'Regan 3Nevin O'Regan 3 

Can I add a Quick Action to the Home Screen?

Hi guys, 

My users would like to be able to create Accounts from the Home Page. I have created a simple custom button component which I have added to the page but I am unable to get the a working syntax for controller.

Has anyone configured something similar in the past?

User-added image
Bhawana Mehta SFDCBhawana Mehta SFDC
You can achieve it via customization, but I dont think it's a right thing to do. Purpose of homepage is to give you overview of what's happening in organization, what's your open task etc.
Nevin O'Regan 3Nevin O'Regan 3
Hi Bhawana, the users would like to be able to quickly create an account from here, it makes the whole creationg of account experience a bit more user friendly for them I guess. I know it can be done via customization but I was hoping that someong could help me with it. I have been able to build the component but I'm not able to get the controller to work. 
I have created a custom Quick Action to create Accounts and I have also created a Flow which guides the user through a set of screens to create an Account and then an option to create related Contacts if they so wish.
Is there any sample contoller syntax that you know of  whereby I can call one of the above when a user clicks on the button? 
Andrew GAndrew G
I would be pushing back and looking to a Global Quick Action. And then tweaking the layout for the creation.

Whatever you build needs to be supportable and manageable for any future updates.  Easier to do this with config than if you went to some customisation involving VF and Apex , or going a lightning component, either of which kicks into development mode and the associated overheads there.

Nevin O'Regan 3Nevin O'Regan 3
Hi Andrew,

Yes I agree with you that this would be the best solution but is it possible to add a global quick action to the homepage?