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Combine two apex class
Is there a way to combine both these classes(Account & Case) into one so i there isn't two seperate classes in my org? I'm not sure how to accimplish this and could use help.
Account class
Case class
Account class
Public Class VF_SiteServicePartnerAllController{ private Account acc; public List<Site_Service_Partner__c> sspList {get;set;} public VF_SiteServicePartnerAllController(ApexPages.StandardController sp){ acc = (Account)sp.getRecord(); sspList = new List<Site_Service_Partner__c>(); sspList = [SELECT Id,Name,Site_Account__c,Primary_Field_Contact__c,Service_Partner__c, Service_Partner_Owner__c,Service_Partner_Owner_Mobile__c,Service_Partner_Owner_Email__c, Primary_Field_Email__c,Primary_Field_Mobile__c,Service_Partner_Site_Status__c, Contracted_Services__c,Secondary_Field_Contact__c,Secondary_Field_Email__c,Secondary_Field_Mobile__c, Service_Partner_Start_Date__c,Service_Partner_End_Date__c,Service_Partner_Main_Phone__c,Trade__c,Supported_Trade__c,trade_value__c FROM Site_Service_Partner__c WHERE Site_Account__c =: acc.Id AND Trade__c IN ('Land', 'Snow', 'Land;Snow') AND Service_Partner_Site_Status__c = 'Active']; Set<Id> bidId = new Set<Id>(); for(Site_Service_Partner__c bs:sspList){ bidId.add(bs.Id); } } }
Case class
//Used on the Case object updated 1-31-2020 Public Class VF_CaseServicePartExtController{ private Case css; public List<Site_Service_Partner__c> cseList {get;set;} public VF_CaseServicePartExtController(ApexPages.StandardController sp){ css= (Case)sp.getRecord(); cseList = new List<Site_Service_Partner__c>(); cseList = [SELECT Id,Name,Case__c,Site_Account__c,Primary_Field_Contact__c,Service_Partner__c, Primary_Field_Email__c,Primary_Field_Mobile__c,Service_Partner_Site_Status__c, Contracted_Services__c, Secondary_Field_Contact__c,Secondary_Field_Email__c,Secondary_Field_Mobile__c,Service_Partner_Owner__c, Trade__c,Supported_Trade__c FROM Site_Service_Partner__c WHERE Case__c =: css.Id AND Trade__c includes('Land','Snow','Land;Snow') AND Service_Partner_Site_Status__c='Active' ]; Set<Id> bidId = new Set<Id>(); for(Site_Service_Partner__c bs:cseList){ bidId.add(bs.Id); } } }
There is two way :
1. You can create the same method inside any one of the classes.
2. You can call this class with the method inside any one of the classes.
I hope you find the above solution helpful. If it does, please mark as Best Answer to help others too.
Thanks and Regards,
Sachin Arora