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Geoffrey CuyaubereGeoffrey Cuyaubere 

Power BI connector not working with Lightning SSO

I am using the Power BI connector "Salesforce Objects" and when trying to connect using my Lightning Single Sign On account, I did obtain an error message from Power BI saying that :

"Can't access this page
We don’t support this browser. Try opening this page in a supported browser."

How can I fix this ?

Thanks for the help.
AbhishekAbhishek (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Geoffrey,

Follow the below steps to resolve the issue,

1. Click on the gear icon.
2. Click on Setup.
3. Enter Session Settings on Quick Find.
4. Click on Session Settings under Security.
5. Scroll down to the 'Extended use of IE11 with Lightning Experience' section.
6. Select I AGREE, Use IE11 with Lightning Experience during the Extended Period.
7. Click on Save.

Kindly let me know if it helps you and close your query by marking it as solved so that it can help others in the future. It will help to keep this community clean.

Salesforce Support.
Geoffrey CuyaubereGeoffrey Cuyaubere
I do not have the "Session Settings" page you are referring to.
Is it related to my profile ?
AbhishekAbhishek (Salesforce Developers) 
It is with the browser which you are using.

Can you try logging in with a different browser?

Geoffrey CuyaubereGeoffrey Cuyaubere
still the same issue, I can not see this section (I do not see the name) but I have access to other sections
I tried with Chrome and MS Edge
AbhishekAbhishek (Salesforce Developers) 
Geoffrey, I think you have already a raised with salesforce support and they have mentioned you reach BI Team.

Did you try reaching them?
Matt SilerMatt Siler
I have this same issue. Can't connect to SF via Power BI desktop due to "unsupported browser" popup within Power BI. Was a workaround discovered?
Paulina Cajiao AlvaradoPaulina Cajiao Alvarado
Hi Matt, I have tried what is explained here but not working either. I am opening a case to see if we can discover what's going on. 
Jie Li @ DellJie Li @ Dell
You might need to install the WebViewer2 to enable Power BI Desktop to use Edge for OAuth authentication.
Joe AshtonJoe Ashton
As an alternative, you can use a 3rd party tool to connect Power BI to Salesforce. Read more in this ( article