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Simon Kaye 7Simon Kaye 7 

Removing a Trigger without a Developer?

Upon checking the debug logs, I found that the trigger 'OppPusher' and 'dlrs_Opportunity' Trigger are the one's that interfere with the opportunity close date change.

Is there a way to remove/cancel it without a developer?
Bhawana Mehta SFDCBhawana Mehta SFDC
You can do it via the setup.

Login to Salesforce org--> Go to Setup---> Serach Trigger--> Open your trigger--> unchecl Active chekbox and save the trigger.
maire mairymaire mairy
You can Inactive the trigger using following steps:
Login to the sandbox.
Go to the Trigger and Click on Edit and Uncheck the IsActive box (see the screenshot), and Click on Save.
Create a Change Set and include the Trigger in the changeset and deploy the same into the Production.
Simon Kaye 7Simon Kaye 7
it's not checkable, uncheckable or edible from here... [image: image.png]