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Rey ChangRey Chang 

Not Able to Delete a Custom Object

Hello All, 

    Running into problems whilst deleting a custom object. Please help! Attaching the error screenshot ...

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Hi, The reson you are not able to delete is because of the dependency. i.e. the error message. I think its beaucse of "custom platform event". If you remove this dependency then only you will be able to delete the object.

Hope this helps!
Rey ChangRey Chang
Hello Prady01, 

    Thanks for replying  I checked the platform events, and no events have been defined 

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And also i get this error when i click on the url of Platform Event Channel 

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Hi, Is there another object in you ORG called platfrom events? I am 100% sure due dependy you are not able to delete the object. You can try this.

1) try to delete the object.
2) When the error screen appears.
3) Click on the link below section.
4) This will take you the dependency.

Hope this helps!
Rey ChangRey Chang
Thanks Prady01 , But i checked theORG - there is not object called platform events. And when i click on Delete object and when i click on the error screen, i get this message User-added image

Not sure if this is a salesforce bug - I have tried multiple times deleting other custom objects and it works for others , but not for this !

Joseph PingletonJoseph Pingleton
I'm running into this same issue... Did you ever find a solution for this?