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Steve Connelly 5
I need a little help with a trigger please
I have built a trigger that should fire when an Opportunity is created or updated in a particular way.
I was so focused on the update part that I never tested the on insert part until today.
Everything else in trigger works but I can't figure out why it does not execute when the Opp is first created.
Here is the complete trigger:
Any suggestions?
I was so focused on the update part that I never tested the on insert part until today.
Everything else in trigger works but I can't figure out why it does not execute when the Opp is first created.
Here is the complete trigger:
trigger createOqNew on Opportunity (after insert, after update) //trigger { // try try{ Id recordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Opportunity.getRecordTypeInfosByDeveloperName().get('CDARS_ICS_Prospect').getRecordTypeId(); List <Open_Quarter__c> createOpenQuarter = new List <Open_Quarter__c>(); List <Open_Quarter__c> deleteOpenQuarter = new List <Open_Quarter__c>(); // for loop 1 for (Opportunity opportunityList : { // if loop 1 if (opportunityList.RecordTypeId == recordTypeId) { // if loop 2 if (Trigger.isInsert || (Trigger.isUpdate && opportunityList.Estimated_Start_Quarter__c != Trigger.oldMap.get(opportunityList.Id).Estimated_Start_Quarter__c) || (Trigger.isUpdate && opportunityList.Estimated_Finish_Quarter__c != Trigger.oldMap.get(opportunityList.Id).Estimated_Finish_Quarter__c)){ Decimal year = opportunityList.Start_Year__c; Decimal quarter = opportunityList.Start_Quarter__c; Decimal span = opportunityList.Quarters_Spanned_op__c; //for loop 2 for (Integer counter = 0; counter < span; counter++) { Open_Quarter__c oq = new Open_Quarter__C(); oq.Amount_Per_Quarter_oq__c = opportunityList.Amount_per_Quarter_op__c; oq.Close_Date_oq__c = opportunityList.CloseDate; oq.Name = year+'-'+'Q'+quarter; oq.Opportunity_Name_oq__c = opportunityList.Id; createOpenQuarter.add(oq); quarter++; // if loop 3 if (quarter > 4) { quarter = 1; year++; } //end if loop 3 } //end for loop 2 } //end if loop 2 } //end if loop 1 } //end for loop 1 deleteOpenQuarter.addAll ([SELECT Id, Name FROM Open_Quarter__c WHERE Opportunity_Name_oq__c IN :trigger.newMap.keySet()]); // if loop 4 if (deleteOpenQuarter.isEmpty()==false){ Database.delete (deleteOpenQuarter,false); } // end if loop 4 // if loop 5 if(createOpenQuarter.isEmpty()==false){ Database.insert (createOpenQuarter,false); } // end if loop 5 } // end try //catch catch (Exception e){ //e.getMessage() //e.getLineNumber() throw e; } // end catch } // end triggerIt seems like it should work on insert but it does not. It only works on update.
Any suggestions?
Did you check if the opportunity record has value in the fields Start_Year__c,Start_Quarter__c,Quarters_Spanned_op__c during the time of insert??
All Answers
Did you check if the opportunity record has value in the fields Start_Year__c,Start_Quarter__c,Quarters_Spanned_op__c during the time of insert??
Thanks though.