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Carolyn CarolynCarolyn Carolyn 

In process builder how to create a new criteria that checks if the Case owner has changed and also that the owner is not a Queue

Ok, so in a process builder i have to create a new criteria that checks if the Case owner has changed (which i have this part) but also that the owner is not a Queue that part i'm stuck on

can anyone help?
Best Answer chosen by Carolyn Carolyn
Hi Carolyn.

Please use the criteria mentioned below for your requirement in the process builder.

AND(ISCHANGED([Case].OwnerId) ,NOT(BEGINS([Case].OwnerId, "00G")))

All Answers

Hi Carolyn.

Please use the criteria mentioned below for your requirement in the process builder.

AND(ISCHANGED([Case].OwnerId) ,NOT(BEGINS([Case].OwnerId, "00G")))
This was selected as the best answer
Carolyn CarolynCarolyn Carolyn
thank you what is the meaning of 00G?
It is the intial of Queue ids, like opportunity records start with 006 ,account records with 001. Mark this as solved if it is answer your question.