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I am able to get the debug System.debug('debugging inside inv res ');
But unable to get the debug System.debug('inside result of invoices for errorlogging');
Can somebody please help me why this strange behaviour is coming as I need to insert the errorlogs records and because of this issue my error logs are not getting inserted. Please help me or suggest what should I do.
Please help me with Database.Saveresult iteration
Database.saveResult[] res= Database.insert(invoiceList,false); Integer result2=res.size(); System.debug('inserted invoices for SA=BA'+res); System.debug('result size for errorlogs loop '+result2); if(res.size()>0) { System.debug('debugging inside inv res '); for(Integer i=0; i< res.size(); i++) { System.debug('inside result of invoices for errorlogging'); if(!res.get(i).isSuccess()) { Database.Error errors = res.get(i).getErrors().get(0); Event_Tracker__c erlog=new Event_Tracker__c(); erlog.Error_Description__c='Invoice creation failed for SA=BA'+'\n'+String.valueof(res.get(i).getErrors().get(0))+'\n'+invoiceList[i];'Script 2 - 2 ST_DataTransformationBatch Script has error'; erlog.Error_Object__c=invoiceList[i].Opportunity__c; erlog.recordtypeid=evtrecordtypeid; errorlogsList.add(erlog); scriptfailedoptId.add(invoiceList[i].Opportunity__c); } if(res.get(i).isSuccess()) { optyVsInvoiceId.put(invoiceList[i].Opportunity__c,invoiceList[i].Id); } } }
I am able to get the debug System.debug('debugging inside inv res ');
But unable to get the debug System.debug('inside result of invoices for errorlogging');
Can somebody please help me why this strange behaviour is coming as I need to insert the errorlogs records and because of this issue my error logs are not getting inserted. Please help me or suggest what should I do.
foreach (Database.saveResult result : res)