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Rishabh Patel 1Rishabh Patel 1 

Pass Variables from flow to Apex, Cannot access invocable variable

I am trying to pass two variables from Flow to apex. One is a collection variable and another is just a string. 

Collection Variable is passed in personIds

And Passing String in inputName

I am trying to loop on the  Collection variable and update the name, But  i am not able to access the input name, as i can only create one method for personIds. 

global class lookupflowvars {
public with sharing class Requests {
  @InvocableVariable(label='Records for Input' description='test' required=true)
  public string inputName;

     @InvocableMethod(label='Update Person Member Reference' description='Update MemberReference field on Person')
    public static void UpdatePersonMemberReference(List<List<String>> personIds){
    List<String> values = new List<String>();
    for (List<String> subList : personIds) values.addAll(subList);
         // List<Id> oppids= new List<Id>(); 
        List<Opportunity> oppList = new List<Opportunity>();
        oppList = [select id,Name__c from opportunity where id in :values];
        for (Opportunity newopplist : oppList ){
        newopplist.Name__c =inputName';   //cannot access  inputName here!
        update newopplist;


Cannot access inputName
Best Answer chosen by Rishabh Patel 1
AnudeepAnudeep (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Rishabh, 

Can you try using getVariableValue method to retrievie your flow variable?

Please see

You can also create a wrapper class :
