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Ashima nidhiAshima nidhi 

setCustomValidity and reportValidity at record level lightning component

I am adding and removing the row dynamically using list iteration.
<aura:iteration items="{!v.accList}" var="abc" indexVar="index">
 <lightning:input aura:id="abc-start-date" name="accName" type="date" required="true"  label="Date From" value="{!abc.Start_Date__c}" />
<td colspan="3">
<lightning:textarea aura:id="abc-comment"  name="accComment" label="Comment" value=" 
{!abc.Comments__c}" placeholder="Comments"/>

at helper/controller
for (var i = 0; i < accList.length; i++) {
 component.find('abc-comment').setCustomValidity("Comments can't be blank.");

However, for multiple record it is failing as the abc-comment are multiple on the basis of list. Is there any way to put the validation message on the basis of record for which error/validation needs to be thrown
Danish HodaDanish Hoda
Hi Ashima,
You need to set aura:id unique for every iterating var, you can set it as:
aura:id="{!index + 'abc-start-date'}"