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harsha B R 9harsha B R 9 

List View Filter based on Logged in user location

Requirement on Cases List View.

Case has a city custom field which can contain values like Bangalore,Mumbai,Chennai etc. User can see only the cases that belong to his city.

For Example,if User belong to Bangalore location login,he can only see cases whose city field value is Bangalore and he should not see any cases whose city value is other than Bangalore.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
ANUTEJANUTEJ (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Harsha,

You can try putting a field that contains the location name upon which you can have a list filter such that it would give only records which have only the selected value.

In case if this came in handy for addressing your issue can you please choose this as the best answer so that it can be used by others in the future.
