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Ashok Gopala 7Ashok Gopala 7 

How to use case assignment rules with language translations

We have set up case assignment rules such that when a customer selects Product A while opening a case, the case is routed to a queue called Product A Queue. If the customer chooses Product B in the dropdown, it will be routed to a queue called "Product B Queue" and so on.

We also allow community users to choose any of the 25 languages. The problem is when a customer chooses a different language, "product A" is translated to some chinese characters (for example). These characters do not match our case assignment rules and so, the case ends up in a "general" catch-all queue.

We opened a case and were told this is the way it works OOB and we have to write code so that the custom labels are looked at without translations and then compared to assignment rules.

Can anyone help us with this

Barthelemy Laurans 1Barthelemy Laurans 1

Does this product field on the case is a text, picklist or a lookup field ?

Could you share the assignement rule formula you're using for the match ?

Best regards,
Ashok Gopala 7Ashok Gopala 7
Hi Barthélemy, Thank you for your reply. The product field is a picklist. The picklist is populated using custom fields (we have translated the custom fields). I have some screen shots below: Case assignment rule example: [cid:image003.jpg@01D62A95.EE94EF40] Custom label: [cid:image005.jpg@01D62A95.EE94EF40] Case custom field: [cid:image004.png@01D62A95.EE897D90] Continued picture (page was too long, had to scroll down): [cid:image006.jpg@01D62A95.EE94EF40] Cheers Ashok
Barthelemy Laurans 1Barthelemy Laurans 1

Unfortunatly I can't see the images ... I don't know what happen.

If it's a picklist, you should be able to use the developer name of the picklist entry in formula with ISPICKVAL. If you use TEXT then you have the translated value.

Best regards,