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Pass Billing State of current record and check if it exists in the Multi Select Picklist of any Accounts

Pass Billing State of current record and check if it exists in the Multi Select Picklist of any Accounts - Is this possible declaratively via flow or process builder ? 

See Example: 

I have Accounts of two different record types. RecordType = A, RecordType = B

On the Account of RecordType = B  is a multiselectpicklist value  Has_Branche_in_these_States__c 
I want to be able to find all Account records of RecordType = B Where Has_Branche_in_these_States__c  Contains the BillingState of the AccountRecord I am viewing. 
Account: Id = 123, RecordType = A, BillingState = 'AR'
Account : Id = 456, Reccort Type = B , Has_Branche_in_these_States__c  = 'AR', OH, CA
Account : Id = 987, Reccort Type = B , Has_Branche_in_these_States__c  = 'IN', IL, CA
Account : Id = 377, Reccort Type = B , Has_Branche_in_these_States__c  = 'MI', MN, AR

If I pass a records billing state i should get all records that have branches in that state. so if i pass AccountId = 123, 
Expected Output =  Account id = 456, Account id = 377

Is this possible through Flow or Process builder or combination of both? 
Any other approach ? 
ShirishaShirisha (Salesforce Developers) 


I don't think it is possible by process builder or flow.However,you can achieve this by using the custom code where you can query the records and return the result easily.

If you would like to display somewhere on the screen then you will have to create the custom Visualforce page and in controller you can query the records based on your crireria.

Please feel free to reach out to the accelerator team who can give you the idea on how you can implement according to your business requirement,if you have premier success plan.

Please find the details on how to request for an accelerator:

Otherwise,I would request you to reach out to your account Executive If you wish to upgrade to Premier Support please contact your Account Executive.

Kindly let me know if it helps you and close your query by marking it as best answer so that it can help others in the future.

Warm Regards,
Shirisha Pathuri