function readOnly(count){ }
Starting November 20, the site will be set to read-only. On December 4, 2023,
forum discussions will move to the Trailblazer Community.
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Naveena P 10Naveena P 10 

Hey ALL, when OWD are set to private but a user is assigned with Public Read,write,edit permissions then inthis case what kind of permission does user will have ? Can profiles override OWD settings ? or can OWD settings override Profiles ?

ShirishaShirisha (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Naveena,


OWD will override the profile permissions.If you set the OWD to private then the user will not be able to access any records even if they have all the permissions on profile level.

If you create the sharing settings on the Object level then you will be able to access the records even if the OWD is set to Private.

Kindly let me know if it helps you and close your query by marking it as best answer so that it can help others in the future.

Warm Regards,
Shirisha Pathuri
Nalini ch 6Nalini ch 6

It looks like our team of experts can help you resolve this ticket. We have Salesforce global help-desk support and you can log a case and our Customer Success Agents will help you solve this issue. You can also speak to them on live chat. Click on the below link to contact our help-desk. Trust me it is a support service that we are offering for free!

Jarvis SFDC team