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Beto Carvalho 11Beto Carvalho 11 

How do I remove comma at the end of a string when using <apex:repeat> in Visualforce email template? (parsing)

I have a Visualforce email template based on Opportunity. In it I want to incorporate all the Opportunity Team Members whose Member Role = XYZ, say, "Sales Engineer". The following code works splendidly...
<b>Sales Engineers:</b>
     <apex:repeat value="{!relatedTo.OpportunityTeamMembers}" var="oppTeam">
          <apex:outputText rendered="{!oppTeam.TeamMemberRole ='Sales Engineer'}">
Except that it (obviously) appends comma + space to each repeat, leaving a trailing ", " at the end:
Sales Engineers: Maggie Simpson, Krusty the Clown, 

Where I want:
Sales Engineers: Maggie Simpson, Krusty the Clown
(i.e. with no ", " at the end). There's probably more than one way to do this, but I've reached the end of my coding knowledge at this point. Ideas?
Agustin BAgustin B
Hi Beto, you could do this as it is not standard in visualforce this functionality:
There is an idea raised to incorporate a separator in visualforce:
If it helps please like and mark as correct, it may help others.