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calling Apex class in LWC Button
Hi All - I just want to call the apex method which has two paramaeters in when on click button. I have created the Button using LWC and trying to call the apex method , below is my code. can someone correct me if my approach is correct. New to LWC trying to implement this want best way and suggestions.
Apex Method :
public static void recountAssets(Id b2bAccountId, Id b2bOrderId){
String sDISCOCouponCode;
List<Id> lstB2BOrderIds = new List<Id>();
List<String> lstPkgDefCodes = new List<String>();
List<OrderItem> lstB2BOrderItems = new List<OrderItem>(); //List of all B2B Order Items that requires reconciliation
//List<Order> lstB2BOrders = new List<Order>();//List of all B2B Orders that requires reconciliation
if(b2bAccountId != null){
Account objB2BAccount = [SELECT ID, DISCOCouponCode__c FROM Account WHERE ID =: b2bAccountId AND RecordType.DeveloperName = 'ACC_B2BCustomer' LIMIT 1];
if(objB2BAccount != null){
sDISCOCouponCode = objB2BAccount.DISCOCouponCode__c;
if(b2bOrderId != null){
// for(Order o:b2bOrders){
// lstB2BOrderIds.add(o.Id);
// system.debug('lstB2BOrderIds' +lstB2BOrderIds);
// }
lstB2BOrderItems = [SELECT Id, OrderId, Package_Definition_Code__c, DISCOCouponCode__c, NoOfActiveSubscriptionsExclBuffer__c, Quantity, Order.NumberOfDigitalSubscriptionSold__c
FROM OrderItem WHERE TECH_OrderCategory__c ='Corporate' AND (OrderId =: b2bOrderId OR Order.Original_Subscription__r.Id =: b2bOrderId) AND DISCOCouponCode__c =: sDISCOCouponCode AND Order.Status = 'ACTIVE' AND Order.StartDate__c <= TODAY AND Order.End_Date__c >= TODAY AND Order.B2BProduct__c != 'Anonymous' ORDER BY Order.StartDate__c ASC];
system.debug('lstB2BOrderItems' +lstB2BOrderItems);
lstB2BOrderItems = [SELECT Id, OrderId, Package_Definition_Code__c, DISCOCouponCode__c, NoOfActiveSubscriptionsExclBuffer__c, Quantity, Order.NumberOfDigitalSubscriptionSold__c
FROM OrderItem WHERE TECH_OrderCategory__c ='Corporate' AND DISCOCouponCode__c =: sDISCOCouponCode AND Order.Status = 'ACTIVE' AND Order.StartDate__c <= TODAY AND Order.End_Date__c >= TODAY AND Order.B2BProduct__c != 'Anonymous' ORDER BY Order.StartDate__c ASC];
// lstB2BOrderIds.clear(); //Repurposing the variable for further use
// system.debug('lstB2BOrderIds' +lstB2BOrderIds);
for(OrderItem oi:lstB2BOrderItems){
lstPkgDefCodes.add(oi.Package_Definition_Code__c); //Prepare the list of package definition codes
lstB2BOrderIds.add(oi.OrderId); //Prepare the list of ids of all the B2B orders that will go through active sub count reconciliation
oi.NoOfActiveSubscriptionsExclBuffer__c = 0; //Reset the current asset count
system.debug(' oi.NoOfActiveSubscriptionsExclBuffer__c ' + oi.NoOfActiveSubscriptionsExclBuffer__c);
Map<String, Decimal> mapActiveAssetCount = new Map<String, Decimal>(); //Count of all the active assets that requires recounting, grouped by Package Definition Code
List<Asset> lstActiveAssets = [SELECT Package_Definition_Code__c, Id FROM Asset
WHERE Package_Definition_Code__c IN: lstPkgDefCodes AND Order_Product__r.DISCOCouponCode__c =: sDISCOCouponCode AND Status = 'ACTIVE'];
for (Asset a : lstActiveAssets) {
//System.debug('a.Package_Definition_Code__c : ' + a.Package_Definition_Code__c );
Decimal nAssetCount = (Decimal) mapActiveAssetCount.get(a.Package_Definition_Code__c);
system.debug('nAssetCount' +nAssetCount);
mapActiveAssetCount.put(a.Package_Definition_Code__c, nAssetCount);
mapActiveAssetCount.put(a.Package_Definition_Code__c, 1);
Map<Id,Decimal> mapTotalActiveSubsInB2BOrder = new map<Id,Decimal>();
for(OrderItem oi:lstB2BOrderItems){
Decimal nB2BOrderTotalActiveSubs;
nB2BOrderTotalActiveSubs = mapTotalActiveSubsInB2BOrder.get(oi.OrderId);
system.debug('nB2BOrderTotalActiveSubs' +nB2BOrderTotalActiveSubs);
nB2BOrderTotalActiveSubs = 0;
system.debug('nB2BOrderTotalActiveSubs' +nB2BOrderTotalActiveSubs);
Decimal nCurrentAssetCountByPkgDefCode = (Decimal) mapActiveAssetCount.get(oi.Package_Definition_Code__c);
system.debug('nCurrentAssetCountByPkgDefCode' +nCurrentAssetCountByPkgDefCode);
if(nCurrentAssetCountByPkgDefCode > 0){
// System.debug('Package_Definition_Code__c : ' + oi.Package_Definition_Code__c );
// System.debug('nCurrentAssetCountByPkgDefCode : ' + nCurrentAssetCountByPkgDefCode );
// System.debug('Order.NumberOfDigitalSubscriptionSold__c : ' + oi.Order.NumberOfDigitalSubscriptionSold__c );
// System.debug('nB2BOrderTotalActiveSubs : ' + nB2BOrderTotalActiveSubs );
if((oi.Order.NumberOfDigitalSubscriptionSold__c >= nCurrentAssetCountByPkgDefCode) && (nB2BOrderTotalActiveSubs < nCurrentAssetCountByPkgDefCode)){
Decimal nCountUp = nCurrentAssetCountByPkgDefCode - nB2BOrderTotalActiveSubs;
oi.NoOfActiveSubscriptionsExclBuffer__c += nCountUp;
nB2BOrderTotalActiveSubs += nCountUp;
nCurrentAssetCountByPkgDefCode -= nCountUp;
system.debug('nCountUp' +nCountUp);
else if((oi.Order.NumberOfDigitalSubscriptionSold__c < nCurrentAssetCountByPkgDefCode) && (nB2BOrderTotalActiveSubs < oi.Order.NumberOfDigitalSubscriptionSold__c)){
Decimal nCountUp = oi.Order.NumberOfDigitalSubscriptionSold__c - nB2BOrderTotalActiveSubs;
oi.NoOfActiveSubscriptionsExclBuffer__c += nCountUp;
nB2BOrderTotalActiveSubs += nCountUp;
nCurrentAssetCountByPkgDefCode -= nCountUp;
system.debug('nCountUp' +nCountUp);
mapTotalActiveSubsInB2BOrder.put(oi.OrderId, nB2BOrderTotalActiveSubs);
mapActiveAssetCount.put(oi.Package_Definition_Code__c, nCurrentAssetCountByPkgDefCode);
update lstB2BOrderItems;
system.debug('lstB2BOrderItems' +lstB2BOrderItems);
//Reconciling NumberofDigitalSubscriptionsActive__c in B2B Orders
List<Order> lstB2BOrders = [SELECT Id, NumberofDigitalSubscriptionsActive__c, TECH_TotalNumberofActiveSubscription__c FROM Order WHERE Id IN: lstB2BOrderIds];
system.debug('lstB2BOrders' +lstB2BOrders);
for(Order o : lstB2BOrders){
o.NumberofDigitalSubscriptionsActive__c = o.TECH_TotalNumberofActiveSubscription__c;
update lstB2BOrders;
import { LightningElement,track } from 'lwc';
import recountAssets from '@salesforce/apex/B2BActiveAssetsRecountHandler.recountAssets';
export default class ReCountMechforAssetManagement extends LightningElement {
@track b2bAccountId;
@track b2bOrderId;
@track error;
handleClick(event) {
this.clickedButtonLabel =;
.then(result =>{
this.b2bAccountId = result;
this.b2bOrderId = result;
.catch(error => {
this.error = error;
//this.clickedButtonLabel =;
<div class="slds-m-top_small slds-m-bottom_medium">
<!-- Brand outline variant: Identifies the primary action in a group of buttons, but has a lighter look -->
<lightning-button variant="brand-outline" label="Recount" title="Primary action with lighter look" onclick={handleClick} class="slds-m-left_x-small"></lightning-button>
Hii John
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LWC1503: "getRecord" is not a known adapter. (13:12)
Hii John
Try Below Code I've Modified It
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