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How can we display the nested JSON values in lightning:treegrid

Hi All,

How can we display the nested JSON values in lightning:treegrid. I am getting values from Apex to lightning when I checked the console. 
Please find the attached screenshot.
User-added image
Column names:
component.set('v.tablecolumns', [
                {label: 'Group name', fieldName: 'group_name', type: 'text'},
            	{label: 'GroupId', fieldName: 'groupid', type: 'number'},
            	{label: 'CustomerId ', fieldName: 'Subcustomer.CustomerId ', type: 'text'},
                {label: 'Name', fieldName: 'CustomerName ', type: 'url',
                typeAttributes: {label: { fieldName: 'CustomerName' }, target: '_blank'}},
                {label: 'Street', fieldName: 'Subcustomer__r.Street', type: 'text'},
                {label: 'City', fieldName: 'City', type: 'text'},
        		{label: 'Post Code', fieldName: 'postalcode', type: 'text'},
        		{label: 'Country', fieldName: 'Country', type: 'text'},
       		    {label: 'No of Assets', fieldName: 'Assetcnt', type: 'text'},

I have tried with Subcustomer__r & Subcustomer. also but no results.

Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Refer this link  i have shown how to do it for account and contacts .. same like how you want here

Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Json fomrate must be like this for nested ones
var nestedData = [
                "name": "123555",
                "accountName": "Rewis Inc",
                "employees": 3100,
                "phone": "837-555-1212",
                "accountOwner": "",
                "accountOwnerName": "Jane Doe",
                "billingCity": "Phoeniz, AZ"

                "name": "123556",
                "accountName": "Acme Corporation",
                "employees": 10000,
                "phone": "837-555-1212",
                "accountOwner": "",
                "accountOwnerName": "John Doe",
                "billingCity": "San Francisco, CA",
                "_children": [
                        "name": "123556-A",
                        "accountName": "Acme Corporation (Bay Area)",
                        "employees": 3000,
                        "phone": "837-555-1212",
                        "accountOwner": "",
                        "accountOwnerName": "John Doe",
                        "billingCity": "New York, NY",
                        "_children": [
                                "name": "123556-A-A",
                                "accountName": "Acme Corporation (Oakland)",
                                "employees": 745,
                                "phone": "837-555-1212",
                                "accountOwner": "",
                                "accountOwnerName": "John Doe",
                                "billingCity": "New York, NY"
                                "name": "123556-A-B",
                                "accountName": "Acme Corporation (San Francisco)",
                                "employees": 578,
                                "phone": "837-555-1212",
                                "accountOwner": "",
                                "accountOwnerName": "Jane Doe",
                                "billingCity": "Los Angeles, CA"

Hi Raj,

I am getting the format as same but the field names are different in each table. In your code, the fields names are same.

Jun JoseJun Jose

Lightning tree grid inherits from Lightning data table which has a limitation of accessing flattened data. In other words the dot notation doesnt work on lightning data table. You can't do a '' to access the value. See this link (