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Daymon BoswellDaymon Boswell 

Trigger to only fire based on Record Type

I am writing my first Trigger in Salesforce and am trying to have it only fire based on my Case Record Type but it is not working. Here is what I have so far:

trigger CasetoJira on Case (after insert) {
if([i].RecordType == '01211000000HG7CAAW'){
JCFS.API.createJiraIssue('10431', '3');
Daymon BoswellDaymon Boswell
Updated it to:

trigger CasetoJira on Case (after insert) {
if(Case.RecordTypeId == 'Closed_Case_Record_Type'){
JCFS.API.createJiraIssue('10431', '3');

Still not working.
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Here is the code
trigger CasetoJira on Case (after insert) {
	Id devRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Case.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Closed_Case_Record_Type').getRecordTypeId();

	for( Case ca{
		if(ca.RecordTypeId == devRecordTypeId){
JCFS.API.createJiraIssue('10431', '3');

