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Katie Kourtakis
Help with writing test class on trigger that adds contacts to a campaign
Hello, I wrote a trigger to add contacts to a campaign once a rollup field on their associated account is greater than or equal to $1800. I am in the process of writing a test class for my trigger but I always run into a failure when I test. Here is my trigger:
trigger addPatrontoCampaign on Account (after update) {
//find campaign Id
List<Campaign> patronCampaign = [SELECT ID
FROM Campaign
WHERE Name = 'Patron Circle Member 2019'
//New Contact List
List<Contact> householdMembers = new List<Contact>();
//New Campaign members List
List<CampaignMember> patronMemberstoCreate = new List<CampaignMember>();
//Loop through accounts
for(Account acct : {
//Define criteria
if(acct.Patron_Donation__c >= 1800) {
//find all contacts with same Account ID
householdMembers = [SELECT ID
FROM Contact
WHERE AccountID = :acct.ID];
//Loop though found contacts
for(Contact con : householdMembers) {
//Add each contact to campaign
patronMemberstoCreate.add(new CampaignMember(CampaignID = patronCampaign[0].ID,
ContactId = con.ID));
database.insert(patronMemberstoCreate, false);
Here is my test class for when one contact is associated with an account with the patron donation field at $1800. (Should be added to campaign)
private class addtoCampaignTest {
@isTest static void addtoCampaign() {
//Create new Contact
Contact con = new Contact();
con.FirstName = 'Mary';
con.LastName = 'Potter';
insert con;
//Create new Account
Account acc = new Account();
acc.Name = 'Test Account';
insert acc;
//Create new Campaign
Campaign Patron = new Campaign(
Name= 'Patron Circle Member 2019',
Status = 'Active'
insert Patron;
//Associate new account to new contact
con.AccountId =;
//Set criteria for trigger to execute
acc.patron_donation__c = 1800;
System.assertEquals(1, Patron.NumberOfContacts);
Any help would be appreciated! Thank you
trigger addPatrontoCampaign on Account (after update) {
//find campaign Id
List<Campaign> patronCampaign = [SELECT ID
FROM Campaign
WHERE Name = 'Patron Circle Member 2019'
//New Contact List
List<Contact> householdMembers = new List<Contact>();
//New Campaign members List
List<CampaignMember> patronMemberstoCreate = new List<CampaignMember>();
//Loop through accounts
for(Account acct : {
//Define criteria
if(acct.Patron_Donation__c >= 1800) {
//find all contacts with same Account ID
householdMembers = [SELECT ID
FROM Contact
WHERE AccountID = :acct.ID];
//Loop though found contacts
for(Contact con : householdMembers) {
//Add each contact to campaign
patronMemberstoCreate.add(new CampaignMember(CampaignID = patronCampaign[0].ID,
ContactId = con.ID));
database.insert(patronMemberstoCreate, false);
Here is my test class for when one contact is associated with an account with the patron donation field at $1800. (Should be added to campaign)
private class addtoCampaignTest {
@isTest static void addtoCampaign() {
//Create new Contact
Contact con = new Contact();
con.FirstName = 'Mary';
con.LastName = 'Potter';
insert con;
//Create new Account
Account acc = new Account();
acc.Name = 'Test Account';
insert acc;
//Create new Campaign
Campaign Patron = new Campaign(
Name= 'Patron Circle Member 2019',
Status = 'Active'
insert Patron;
//Associate new account to new contact
con.AccountId =;
//Set criteria for trigger to execute
acc.patron_donation__c = 1800;
System.assertEquals(1, Patron.NumberOfContacts);
Any help would be appreciated! Thank you
Campaign Patroncamp = [ SELECT Id,NumberOfContacts FROM Campaign WHERE Id = : Patron.Id];
System.assertEquals(1, Patroncamp.NumberOfContacts);
All Answers
Please try the below test class :
private class addtoCampaignTest {
static testMethod void addtoCampaign() {
//Create new Campaign
Campaign Patron = new Campaign(
Name= 'Patron Circle Member 2019',
Status = 'Active'
insert Patron;
//Create new Account
Account acc = new Account();
acc.Name = 'Test Account';
insert acc;
//Create new Contact
Contact con = new Contact();
con.FirstName = 'Mary';
con.LastName = 'Potter';
con.AccountId =;
insert con;
//Set criteria for trigger to execute
acc.patron_donation__c = 1800;
update acc;
System.assertEquals(1, Patron.NumberOfContacts);
Can you please Let me know if it helps or not!!!
If it helps don't forget to mark this as a best answer!!!
Thank you for your help. With the new code I was able to achieve 100% code coverage but my system.assertEquals still failed.
Campaign Patroncamp = [ SELECT Id,NumberOfContacts FROM Campaign WHERE Id = : Patron.Id];
System.assertEquals(1, Patroncamp.NumberOfContacts);