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Akash Shinde 34
In role hierarchy, how to access only the immediate lower level user's list(not the nested level user's list) through soql query ?
Below code retrieves all nested level user's Id list. Need to retrieve only immediate lower level user's Id list.
public with sharing class RoleUtils { public static Set<ID> getRoleSubordinateUsers(Id userId) { // get requested user's role Id roleId = [select UserRoleId from User where Id = :userId].UserRoleId; // get all of the roles underneath the user Set<Id> allSubRoleIds = getAllSubRoleIds(new Set<ID>{roleId}); // get all of the ids for the users in those roles Map<Id,User> users = new Map<Id, User>([Select Id, Name From User where UserRoleId IN :allSubRoleIds]); // return the ids as a set so you can do what you want with them return users.keySet(); } private static Set<ID> getAllSubRoleIds(Set<ID> roleIds) { Set<ID> currentRoleIds = new Set<ID>(); // get all of the roles underneath the passed roles for(UserRole userRole :[select Id from UserRole where ParentRoleId IN :roleIds AND ParentRoleID != null]) currentRoleIds.add(userRole.Id); // go fetch some more rolls! if(currentRoleIds.size() > 0) currentRoleIds.addAll(getAllSubRoleIds(currentRoleIds)); return currentRoleIds; } }
You just need to remove your recursive call in line 28, because you wan't to get just one children level. Your code should be like this:
I hope you find the above solution helpful. If it does, please mark as Best Answer to help other too.