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dinesh Devaraj 6dinesh Devaraj 6 

how can i overcome soql limit exception toomany soql 101 exception?with example

Saransh BSaransh B
You can avoid error by doing bulkification.

Easiest example is this:

for(Account objAcc : [Select Id from Account])

*Mark this as a best answer if this resolve your concern*
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
To fix the issue, change your code so that the number of SOQL fired is less than 100.
If you need to change the context, you can use @future annotation which will run the code asynchronously.

Avoid SOQL queries that are inside FOR loops.
Follow the key coding principals for Apex Code in our Developer's Guide.
Review our best practices for Trigger and Bulk requests:
Here are some best practices that will stop the error messages and/or help you avoid hitting the Governors Limit:
1. Since Apex runs on a multi-tenant platform, the Apex runtime engine strictly enforces limits to ensure code doesn’t monopolize shared resources. Learn about the Governors Limit.
2. Avoid SOQL queries that are inside FOR loops.
3. Check out the Salesforce Developer Blog where you can find Best Practices for Triggers.
4. Review best practices for Trigger and Bulk requests on our Apex Code Developer’s Guide.
5. Be sure you’re following the key coding principals for Apex Code in our Developer’s Guide.
Important: Salesforce cannot disable the Governors Limit or raise it. Following the best practices above should ensure that you don’t hit this limit in the future.

For Example from this code
for (Bids__c bid : recentBids){
    String recentProfileName = [SELECT Profile.Name FROM User Where Id = :bid.CreatedById LIMIT 1].Profile.Name;
    String bidId = profilePrefixMap.get(recentProfileName);
    bid.Bid_unique_label__c =  ((bidId == null) ? defaultPrefix : bidId);           
upsert recentBids;

List<Bids__c> recentBids = [SELECT Id, CreatedBy.Profile.Name, Bid_unique_label__c 
FROM Bids__c 
WHERE Bid_unique_label__c = NULL];

for (Bids__c bid : recentBids){
    String recentProfileName = bid.CreatedBy.Profile.Name;
    String bidId = profilePrefixMap.get(recentProfileName);
    bid.Bid_unique_label__c =  ((bidId == null) ? defaultPrefix : bidId);           
upsert recentBids;