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Andrew Echevarria 5Andrew Echevarria 5 

Spring 19 Lightning Component Error - target.getBoundingClientRect is not a function

I was developing a Lightning Component with JQuery and Dragula (a JS drag-and-drop library). Everything was going well, until the Sandbox updated to the Spring 19 Release and now I recieve an error when I try to drag-drop. The component still works in my other Sandbox that is in Winter 19. I receive the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: target.getBoundingClientRect is not a function throws at

User-added image

The line referenced is a line in the library that calls the .getBoundingClientRect() function. I don't get any error or notes on the Console Log. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Soumendu Chowdhury 9Soumendu Chowdhury 9
Thanks Andrew. I am facing different Lightning Component Code issue and also SOQL with variable Bad rightOperand type: got SObjectScriptRow: operator e dataType 1. 

All are working in Winter'19 but not in Spring'19 Sandbox. Does any one else facing the issue?
Hi @Soumendu Chowdhury 9 , I am facing this error also, do you have any info about that?
Chris Cross 22Chris Cross 22
Has anyone found the root cause or a workaround? Having the same issue:
- Works in Winter '19
- Error thrown in Spring '19
Dhruv BHalodi 2Dhruv BHalodi 2
I am facing the same. Raised a case with SFDC on that. Will keep you guys posted! 
We have this issue as well.  I have temporarily fixed it by handling the exception in dragula with try/catch blocks, seems to be working ok so far.

One thing I did notice is that one of our older components runnning api version 39 (no Locker Service) didn't have these issues, so it is potentially a Locker Service problem.