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Surender reddy SalukutiSurender reddy Salukuti 


Hi Every one,

How can i write program checking Duplicate fields in Lead object FirstName,Email,company,phone using trigger concept and also display message if it is Dublicate its not dublicate record will save.
  • Write SOQL on the lead object and take four set<String> for each field you want as shown in below code.
    set<String> nameSet = new Set<String>();
    set<String> emailSet = new Set<String>();
    set<String> companySet = new Set<String>();
    set<String> phoneSet = new Set<String>();
    for(Lead l : [select firstname, email, company, phone from lead]){
    for(Lead lead :{
    lead.addError('First name is duplicate');
    else if(emailSet.contains({
    lead.addError('Email is duplicate');
    else if(companySet.contains({
    lead.addError('Company is duplicate');
    else if(phoneSet.contains({
    lead.addError('Phone is duplicate');
Adilson Arcoverde JrAdilson Arcoverde Jr

I would suggest another approach to solve this problem. Suppose you have a large number of leads (50,000 or more), the query [select name, email, company, lead phone] will fail.

I think the best approach is to filter the query with the fields of the new records. For example:
trigger LeadTrigger on Lead (before insert) {
    if( Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isInsert ) {
        Set<String> firstNamesSet = new Set<String>(); 
        Set<String> lastNamesSet = new Set<String>(); 
        Set<String> companiesSet = new Set<String>(); 
        Set<String> phonesSet = new Set<String>(); 

        for( Lead l : ) {
            firstNamesSet.add( l.FirstName );
            lastNamesSet.add( l.LastName );
            companiesSet.add( l.Company );
            phonesSet.add( l.Phone );

        // Use this query to match any field
        // List<Lead> existingLeads = [Select Id, FirstName, LastName, Company, Phone from Lead where FirstName in :firstNamesSet OR LastName in :lastNamesSet OR Company in :companiesSet OR Phone in :phonesSet];

        // Use this query to match all fields
        List<Lead> existingLeads = [Select Id, FirstName, LastName, Company, Phone from Lead where FirstName in :firstNamesSet and LastName in :lastNamesSet and Company in :companiesSet and Phone in :phonesSet];

        for( Lead l : ) {
            for( Lead existingLead : existingLeads ) {
                Boolean doBrake = false;
                if( l.FirstName == existingLead.FirstName && l.LastName == existingLead.LastName && l.Company == existingLead.Company && l.Phone == existingLead.Phone ) {
                    if( l.FirstName == existingLead.FirstName ) {
                        l.addError('First name is duplicate');

                    if( l.LastName == existingLead.LastName ) {
                        l.addError('Last name is duplicate');

                    if( l.Company == existingLead.Company ) {
                        l.addError('First name is duplicate');

                    if( l.Phone == existingLead.Phone ) {
                        l.addError('Phone name is duplicate');


One other question: have you ever consider to use matching and duplicate rules on Leads?

Hope you find this solution useful.

Best regards.