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Leonard Silon 16Leonard Silon 16 

How do I prevent a user from deleting an email?

I am hoping there is a trigger way to keep users from being able to delete email records.All I have found is a suggestion to have this functionality. I found code to prevent a task from being deleted but we have something like that already in place. 

Any ideas?
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Leonard,

Sorry for this issue you are facing.

Unfortunately, this feature is not available as of now.

There is an idea on the success community for which you can upvote so that it gets available in the mere future.

You can find the idea at the below link. Hope this helps.

Kindly mark this thread as closed if the reply was helpful so that it gets removed from the unanswered queue which results in helping others who are facing a similar issue.
