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How I can prevent users to update the contentnote?

I want to prevent users to update the Note(ContentNote) once it is created using the trigger or any other techniques?
Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Try this
trigger ContentNoteTrigger on ContentDocument (before update) {
    for (ContentDocument origCd : {
        ContentDocument cd = Trigger.newMap.get(origCd.Id);
        ContentDocument oldCd = Trigger.oldMap.get(origCd.Id);
        if (cd.FileType == 'SNOTE') {  // if it is a ContentNote
            Boolean titleChanged = (cd.Title != oldCd.Title);
            System.debug('Title: ' + cd.Title);
            System.debug('Old Title: ' + oldCd.Title + ', Title changed? ' + titleChanged);
            if (titleChanged) {
                cd.Title.addError('Cannot change the title of a Usage Note! Please keep the original Usage Note title.');  // Displays an JS alert() message preventing user from saving the ContentNote

Hey Raj Vakati,
Here is the issue. (" target="_blank)

I'm not able to save the note for the first time as well.

Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Try this
trigger NoteTrigger on Note (before update) {
 List<Note> notes =(List<Note>) ;
 Map<Id,Note> oldVal = Trigger.oldMap ; 
 for(Note n :notes){
 if(n.Title != oldVal.get(n.Id).Title){
 n.Title.addError('Cannot change the title of a Usage Note! Please keep the original Usage Note title.');

Hi Raj Vakati,
It is still not working.