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Need Help on My Test Class
Ive been writing a class that looks updates a tick box on a custom object. Ive written a test class for it but the the life of me I cannot figure out how to get my test class working.
So this is my Apex Class
Ive spent a few hours looking at this and cannot see what im missing.
So this is my Apex Class
global class KPMRefresh implements Schedulable{ global void execute(SchedulableContext sc){ List<Metric_Controller__c> lstofMC = [SELECT Id, Refresh_Metrics__c, Which_Month_Boolean__c, Active__c FROM Metric_Controller__c WHERE Which_Month_Boolean__c = true AND Active__c = true LIMIT 200]; List<Metric_Controller__c> lstofupdatedMC = new list<Metric_Controller__c>(); if(!lstofMC.isEmpty()){ for(Metric_Controller__c Id : lstofMC){ lstofupdatedMC.add(id); Id.Refresh_Metrics__c = true; } UPDATE lstofupdatedMC; } } }This is my test class.
@isTest private class KPMRefreshTest { @testSetup static void setup(){ List<Metric_Controller__c> lstofMC = new List<Metric_Controller__c>(); for(Integer i = 1; i <= 200; i++){ Metric_Controller__c Id = new Metric_Controller__c(Refresh_Metrics__c = false); lstofMC.add(id); } Insert lstofMC; } static testmethod void testKPMRefreshScheduledJob(){ String sch = '0 5 12 * * ?'; Test.startTest(); String jobId = System.schedule('ScheduledApexText', sch, new KPMRefresh()); List<Metric_Controller__c> lstofMC = [SELECT Id, Refresh_Metrics__c FROM Metric_Controller__c WHERE Which_Month_Boolean__c = true AND Active__c = true LIMIT 200]; system.assertEquals(200, lstofMC.size()); Test.stopTest(); } }
Ive spent a few hours looking at this and cannot see what im missing.
I would suggest to move the assert after stop test. Unless stop test is not executed, you can not be sure if your scheduler had finished running.
whtsup- +91-9028714167