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Peter Martensen 8
Can someone help add "after update" to this trigger?
I need this trigger to fire after the record is edited also. Can someone add "after update" to it?
trigger QuoteTrigger on SBQQ__Quote__c (before insert, before update) { if(Trigger.isBefore) { QuoteTriggerHandler.setSignatureURL(; } }
Please try below code, Please let us know if this helps.
You are right. The record becomes Read-Only and throws and exception. The result of the Apex Class is the QuoteTriggerHandler attaches a picture of a signature based on a User on the record to a CPQ Quote. Signature__c is a picklist of users. This Class finds the chosen users signature file and saves the link to the Signature_Location__c field. The CPQ Quote pulls the picture of the signature and places it on the quote pdf. Very often, the Quote does not have the signature on it. I think that is because the user did not choose the Proposal Writer before saving the record the first time. Is there a way to get this trigger to fire every time the record is edited?