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how to use the remote action in salesforce, any small examples working with custom objects
how to when to use the remoteaction in salesforce, any small examples to start ... i??
how do the remote action will work in the salesforce ..
how do the remote action will work in the salesforce ..
Try below code to display list of contacts using RemoteAction -
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Parmanand Pathak
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Try below code to display list of contacts using RemoteAction -
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Parmanand Pathak
Remote action function in salesforce allows user to access any method from any class through javasrcipt methods, and get the result as a javascript object for further manipulation.
It will works like whenever your are clicking the command button it will call the Javascriprt funtion. on that javascript funtion it will calls the funtion
Please refer the below Visualforce page :$RemoteAction.ContactJs.getcon
Points to remember while implementing remote action function:
Remote action method should have @RemoteAction annotation.
It will goto controller and it will check the RemoteAction method and it will check for con() method.
On that method whatever we are retriving in the SOQL Query display returns and It will displays in the Screen by clicking the Commmand button. Please refer the salesforce Document Link :
Try the above code to understand the Remote action.
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