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farah sheriffarah sherif 

visualforce trialhead challenge help

I wrote this code to solve the trialhead but it gives me this error on trialhead 

error:   The page does not include an <apex:image> component

<apex:page showHeader="false">
    <img id="theImage" src="" />

trialhead challenge:
Create a Visualforce page without the standard Salesforce header and display an image using the Visualforce image component. 
Challenge Requirements
The page must be named DisplayImage
It must NOT display the standard Salesforce header
It must use a Visualforce apex:image component to display this image -
Best Answer chosen by farah sherif
Hi Farah,

Use below code -
<apex:page showHeader="false">
  <apex:image id="theImage" value="" width="220" height="100" alt="Description of image here"/>
Happy Coding!

All Answers

abhishek singh 497abhishek singh 497
Hello Farah ,

Can you please let me know which trailhead challenge is it??
Hi Farah,

Use below code -
<apex:page showHeader="false">
  <apex:image id="theImage" value="" width="220" height="100" alt="Description of image here"/>
Happy Coding!
This was selected as the best answer