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Neethu uNeethu u 

Generate WDSL button is disabled in my Apex class

I have the apex class exposed as webservice, but I am not able to generate the WSDL for my Apex class.
Please help me out.
Best Answer chosen by Neethu u
Steven NsubugaSteven Nsubuga
Click the Compile All Classes link on the Apex Classes page. 

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Steven NsubugaSteven Nsubuga
Click the Compile All Classes link on the Apex Classes page. 
This was selected as the best answer
Hi Neethu,

if you have marked your method as webservice , then you can use the Generate WSDL option to get the wsdl for the APEX webservice.

global with sharing class MyRestResource {
    global static Account getRecord() {
        // Add your code

If not, can you post the webservice class here.

Raj VakatiRaj Vakati
Apex class containing webservice methods by generating a WSDL for the class and make sure your class is  contains webservice methods.
to Generate WSDL.

And make sure your profile is API Enabled permission 
Ketan Kulkarni 13Ketan Kulkarni 13
Click the Compile All Classes link on the Apex Classes page.