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Ankit SatnalikaAnkit Satnalika 

Lightning Attributes

Can anybody tell me about below lightning attributes:
1. !
2. #
Also if possible shre the link to know more about the same.
Best Answer chosen by Ankit Satnalika
Maharajan CMaharajan C
Hi Ankit,

Bound Expression: Bound Expression is represented as {!v.str}. Whenever the value of the string is changed, this expression will reflect the change and also affect the components where it is used, we can say the value change dynamically through this expression.

Unbound Expression: Unbound Expression is represented as {#v.str}. Whenever the value of the string is changed, this expression will not reflect the change, we can say the value remains static through this expression.

Can you please Let me know if it helps or not!!!

If it helps don't forget to mark this as a best answer!!!


All Answers

Maharajan CMaharajan C
Hi Ankit,

Bound Expression: Bound Expression is represented as {!v.str}. Whenever the value of the string is changed, this expression will reflect the change and also affect the components where it is used, we can say the value change dynamically through this expression.

Unbound Expression: Unbound Expression is represented as {#v.str}. Whenever the value of the string is changed, this expression will not reflect the change, we can say the value remains static through this expression.

Can you please Let me know if it helps or not!!!

If it helps don't forget to mark this as a best answer!!!

This was selected as the best answer
Ankit SatnalikaAnkit Satnalika
Thanks Maharajan :)