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Ankit Satnalika
I Want Trigger to update description field in Account with associated contacts name
I need to update description field in Account object with associated contact names. When these contacts are updated the description field in Account should get updated with the names of the associated contacts with that account.
For Eg : if account has two contacts 1. xyz 2. abc then if either of the contact is updated the description field in Account object should be populated with : xyzabc
Below is the code written system.debug(acc.description) is giving correct result but the same is not populating the description field in Account object.
Please help and let me know the error.
For Eg : if account has two contacts 1. xyz 2. abc then if either of the contact is updated the description field in Account object should be populated with : xyzabc
Below is the code written system.debug(acc.description) is giving correct result but the same is not populating the description field in Account object.
Please help and let me know the error.
You can use the below trigger:
trigger UpdateCntNameinAccDesc on Contact (after insert,before update) {
List<Account> accListtoUpdate = new List<Account>();
Set<Id> accIdSet = new Set<Id>();
for(Contact con : Trigger.New)
for(Account acc : [Select id, name, Description,
(Select Id, name From Contacts)
From Account Where Id In : accIdSet])
List<String> templstSrting = new List<String>();
for(Contact con : acc.contacts)
acc.Description = String.join(templstSrting, '');
update accListtoUpdate;
Can you please Let me know if it helps or not!!!
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