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Melissa Driscoll 14Melissa Driscoll 14 

help with rows versus columns

I need the following to be in rows and not columns
<apex:page standardcontroller="Account">
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Handoff">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Account.Handoffs__r}" var="h"> <apex:Column value="{!h.Name}"/>
<apex:column value="{!h.Account__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!h.Opportunity__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!h.Point_of_Contact__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!h.Training__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!h.Training_Notes__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!h.Data_Migration__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!h.Data_Migration_Notes__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!h.Integration__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!h.Integration_Notes__c}"/> </apex:pageBlockTable>
Jack scarJack scar
I'm a newbie here. I also want to know more about it. Thanks for your updates. 
Page Block Table, Data Table, Data List and Apex Repeat can be used to render list in Visualforce page. 
Check this for sample code:
Melissa Driscoll 14Melissa Driscoll 14

Thank you!!!  This worked:

But now how to I bold the text fields?

<apex:page standardcontroller="Account">
<apex:pageBlock > <apex:dataList value="{!Account.Handoffs__r}" var="h"><BR>
Name: {!h.Name} <BR><BR>
Account: {!h.Account__r} <BR><BR>
Opportunity: {!h.Opportunity__c} <BR><BR>
Point of Contact: {!h.Point_of_Contact__c} <BR><BR>
Training {!h.Training__c} <BR><BR>
Training Notes:{!h.Training_Notes__c}<BR><BR>
Data Migration: {!h.Data_Migration__c} <BR><BR>
Data Migration Notes:{!h.Data_Migration_Notes__c} <BR><BR>
Integration: {!h.Integration__c} <BR><BR>
Integration Notes: {!h.Integration_Notes__c}
</BR> </BR></BR> </BR></BR> </BR></BR> </BR></BR> </BR></BR> </BR></BR> </BR></BR> </BR></BR> </BR></BR>