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Formula to Count Days after Status Field Updated

Hi guys,

I'm trying to build automation but struggling to find the right design here.
Once a Case has been updated to a Status "A", I would like to start counting the days to send an Email 3 days later.
If the status is changed to another, it will reset the counter back to 0.

Thank you for your help
William Henry 4William Henry 4
i am also doing it and have same question as you asked here (
Nick VerschuerenNick Verschueren
Add a date/time field that updates when the statusfield is changed (with an apex trigger or a record triggerd flow) this trigger will set the date of your field to today.

Maybe even add a checkbox to check if mail was already send, and clear this as well when the record changes. this to prevent from activating each day after the 3 day.

Create a schedule-triggerd flow that runs daily and checks the status, the datefield and the "already send" checkbox and insert futher logic here...

Hope this helps.