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vijaya kudupudivijaya kudupudi 

how to pass list of Id's/values resulted from a query to another query in flows ?


My requirement is whenever an AccountTeamMember is deleted from the team then the related Opportunity Team Members also should be deleted. Through Flow I'm trying to do the this requirement.

Here, I'm querying the opportuinity records,   but I'm not able to pass those records/Id's to query OpportunityTeamMembers in flow. Someone can guide me how to pass pass list of Id's/values resulted from a query to another query in flows?
Best Answer chosen by vijaya kudupudi
vijaya kudupudivijaya kudupudi

I'm able to comeout with the issue query records inside the for loop in flow by calling the apex action from flow.  So here I'm passing the Id's to apex class invocable method and using the return value in flow

All Answers

vijaya kudupudivijaya kudupudi

I'm able to complete this requirement by querying the opportunityTeamMembers records in side the loop of opportunity records. I think it's not best practice. So I would like to know if is there any other to achieve this. 

Below is the screenshot of my flow 
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vijaya kudupudivijaya kudupudi

I'm able to comeout with the issue query records inside the for loop in flow by calling the apex action from flow.  So here I'm passing the Id's to apex class invocable method and using the return value in flow
This was selected as the best answer