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Sanjay Ram MSanjay Ram M 

Metadata API request failed: The client has timed out.

The issue is coming up while deploying the code from vscode to scratch org.Any idea how to rectify this.My network connection is good and there is no issues with network or such 
AnkaiahAnkaiah (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Sanjay,

There will be a option to set time out for metadata service. Can you please increase the time out.
You can use below sytax to set the timeout after you have created the service.
service.timeout_x = 120000;

If this information helps, Please mark it as best answer.


Sanjay Ram MSanjay Ram M

Where can i find this setting.Can you please guide me through 



Brian Watts 21Brian Watts 21
I'm getting the same issue.
I've updated my SFDX - `7.149.1` and that didn't help
I've updated my Node.JS - `v16.15.0` and that didn't help
I've tried setting this to true and false:
`fdx config:set restDeploy=true`

Lo and behold.. if I go watch the deployment status page in the setup of my scratch org, I can actually watch the progress occur there.. and it succeeds! But how is my local workstation's source tracking going to be properly notified?
Lauren Miller 25Lauren Miller 25
I just wanted a video to see if the above Wiki experts ( answer raises your question. Please let me know if there are any questions on this topic so we can help you further.