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Sai Shanmukh 15Sai Shanmukh 15 

plot opportunity records on maps

How to display stagename and other fields on maps using lwc.
Currently, i am displaying only opportunity name and marker on map using location (Address fields salesforce). But how to display stagename and other fields on maps). (or) any account fields.
Please advise.Image of opportunities displayed on maps with only address
Ravi Dutt SharmaRavi Dutt Sharma
Hi Sai,

You can use the title and description attributes to show more information in the list view. Pls see the attached image to get an understanding of where the title and description appears in the map list view and marker.
mapMarkers = [
        location: {
            Street: '1 Market St',
            City: 'San Francisco',
            Country: 'USA',
        title: 'The Landmark Building',
            'Historic <b>11-story</b> building completed in <i>1916</i>',

Maps image
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