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Rohit Vaidya 3Rohit Vaidya 3 

status time channge

I need to catch the time when a case status is changed from one status to another. like a case is in new status now its change to working or a case is in working and when it is changed to escalated . I want the time between one case status to another . please Help me, How can i achieve this task???
Arun Kumar 1141Arun Kumar 1141

Hi Rahul,

You can fulfill your requirement by enabling Historical Trending for the Case Object. Subsequently, you will generate a report based on this data. Here are the steps for enabling Historical Trending:
1. Access Setup.
2. Enter "Historical Trending" in the Quick Find box.
3. Choose the Case Object, then select the fields for which you wish to view the history (please note that the maximum field selection is 8).
4. Mark the checkbox labeled "Enable Historical Trending."
5. Complete the process by clicking on the Save button.

I trust this information will be of assistance to you. If it proves valuable, please consider marking it as the best answer!

Ella GraceElla Grace
To track the time when a case's status changes from one status to another in Salesforce, you can utilize a combination of workflow rules, process builder, and custom fields. Here's a step-by-step guide on achieving this task:

Step 1: Create Custom Date/Time Fields
1. Log in to your Salesforce account.
2. Navigate to the "Object Manager" and find the "Case" object.
3. Create two custom Date/Time fields, such as "Status Change From New to Working" and "Status Change From Working to Escalated."

Step 2: Create Workflow Rules

1. In the "Object Manager," select "Case" again.
2. Go to "Workflow Rules" and create a new rule.
3. Configure the rule to trigger when the case status changes from "New" to "Working." Add an immediate action to update the "Status Change From New to Working" field with the current date and time.

Step 3: Create a Process Builder

1. Navigate back to the "Object Manager" and find "Case."
2. Create a new process builder.
3. Configure the process to trigger when the case status changes from "Working" to "Escalated."
4. Add an immediate action to update the "Status Change From Working to Escalated" field with the current date and time.

Step 4: Calculate Time Between Status Changes

1. Create a formula field on the "Case" object to calculate the time difference between the two custom Date/Time fields you've created. This field will display the time elapsed between the change from "New" to "Working" and from "Working" to "Escalated."

Here's an example of what the formula field might look like:

    ISBLANK(Status_Change_From_New_to_Working__c) || ISBLANK(Status_Change_From_Working_to_Escalated__c),
    Status_Change_From_Working_to_Escalated__c - Status_Change_From_New_to_Working__c

This formula calculates the time difference between the two fields if both fields have been populated; otherwise, it displays a null value.

Step 5: Test and Monitor

After implementing these steps, test the workflow rules and process builder by changing the case statuses accordingly. The custom fields you created will store the timestamps of the status changes, and the formula field will show the time duration between those changes.

Remember that this approach assumes that your organization's processes and data model align with this setup. If your use case is more complex, involving multiple transitions or more advanced logic, you might need to consider using Apex triggers or other automation tools.

By following these steps, you can successfully track (" target="_blank) and calculate the time between specific case status changes in Salesforce.