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Barbara Rodriguez 10Barbara Rodriguez 10 

Why pardot add DR. In place of first name after sending the campaigns??

I’m uploading the right list properly and also checked the list there is no contact with Dr. but after sending campaign pardot automatically add dr. In place of first name, for couple of contact and first and last name show similar eg: dr. Weiner weiner as in original its Graig weiner how to resolve this?
VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
You can reach out to Pardot B2B Marketing Automation on for inputs on your ask.

Please close the thread by selected as Best Answer so that we can keep our community clean

frinksa lilinasfrinksa lilinas
If you've checked and addressed the above issues and are still facing problems, it's advisable to contact Pardot's customer support. They can investigate the specific issue in your account and provide guidance on resolving it. Regularly clean and validate your contact data to ensure it is accurate and consistent. Use data cleansing tools or services to identify and rectify any issues in your database. 

By systematically reviewing these potential causes and taking steps to address them, you should be able to resolve the issue of "Dr." being added to the first name field in Pardot campaigns and ensure that your contact data displays correctly.