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Jayesh Deo 2Jayesh Deo 2 

When child obj fields are updated parent obj field gets auto updated How to collect parent obj records associated with child obj via lookup relation for After Update trigger?

Hiring_Manager__c =Parent Object
Recruiter__c= Child Object (Lookup relation)

I am trying to automatically update parent record fields when child record gets updated by using After Update trigger but I got below error in SOQL query. 

  List <Hiring_Manager__C> GetHiringManagersList=[select id,name, Location__c, Phone__C, Email__c from Hiring_manager__C
                                                           where    IN:lstrecs.keyset()];

ERROR=Didn't understand relationship 'recruiter__r' in field path. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. 

I am using Map collection here. Which will be best suitable type of collection (List/MAp)in such scenarios?

AshwiniAshwini (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Jayesh,

Try using below soql query:
List<Hiring_Manager__c> GetHiringManagersList = [SELECT Id, Name, Location__c, Phone__c, Email__c FROM Hiring_Manager__c WHERE Recruiter__c IN :lstrecs.keySet()];
It queries the Hiring_Manager__c parent records associated with the Recruiter__c child records contained in the lstrecs map.

In your case, as you are associating child records with parent records, so you can use a map . You can populate the map with queried parent records using their IDs as keys and then use this map to associate child records with their respective parent records.


If this information helps, please mark the answer as best. Thank you